Cat on a Wet Weak Roof

Before I left my anxiety was pretty high and I told people that once Monday came around I would be pretty okay because I would be in the city safely, settled, and beginning to work. What I didn't expect was large amounts of rain and large amounts of cats.

For those who saw the picture you already know the ending to the story but what is a story without a plot?

It was a simple, easy morning and we did not have a meeting with our employer until 3pm so we took our time getting ready for the day. We were almost ready when the rain outside started to pick up and became quite heavy. In our apartment we could hear the rain and the wind well but what happened next was louder and more intense sounding. My first thought was that the wind was blowing pieces off of the roof or even a tornado. Thinking quick, I ran to a doorway to wait for it to blow over. Once the noise stopped all I could hear was the water running in the bathroom (my compatriot was taking a shower at the time) and a faint *meow*.

The meows became more frequent and a bit louder. Obviously at this time I knew it was a cat, duh. But hearing it's cries I wondered if it was injured. I would never know the answer to that question.The cat began to move and with every step I could see the ceiling caving in little by little. At long last (it wasn't that long) the cat found its way to an edge where it would have to jump up a bit to reach a concrete pad. Physics was not in its favor.

As the cat jumped, the ceiling fell in and in a way that only a cat can, it landed on its feet staring at me. The stare down was short lived as I lunged for my computer (of all things) so that the cat would not play with it then opened the door to the outside. With a bit of prodding, the cat ran out the door only to try the stunt immediately a second time. Upon realizing the ceiling was half off, he then found space over the bathroom to walk. Though that ceiling did not cave, my roommate did run through escape options in his head in case something were to happen while he was still in the shower.

We quickly informed our gracious landlords of what happened and they got a good laugh out of it. Especially the part where my dear roommate preformed a rapturous reenactment of my face when the ceiling caved. A temporary fix was performed and we left the house for the day, trudging through the rain, hoping we would not come home that evening to another cat in our apartment and the ceiling down again.

Oh, and I must mention that it only took 4 hours for the shock to wear off and I was able to eat again.


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