Hello Rexburg, Farewell Elder
I am officially back, settled in, and ready for school. I got moved in on Friday in the morning and spent the morning getting books and unpacking all of my stuff. After that I was a little bored until a new roommate got here. The day was spent just chillin' with the roommates. I have some awesome roommates so I am excited for what this semester has in store. After a great deal of socializing on Saturday, me and two of my roommates drove down to my hometown, stayed the night, and went to Salt Lake City on Sunday. The purpose for the drive was to see a best friend give his farewell talk. This is a friend that I have been very close with and because of that, I know that he is gonna be a fantastic missionary. Missouri will be blessed by his presence. I guess now it is time for me to gear up for the actual education part of the college experience seeing that classes start tomorrow. Looking over some of the things that I have already received, it looks like it is going to be a pretty intense semester. I am looking forward to it but also I am nervous. I guess that is a normal feeling because there are a few others that I have talked to that feel the same way. Sometimes merves can be a good thing though. Let's hope so.