Reconnecting to Myself

As you may have noticed (or maybe I am arrogant and you haven't), I took a couple months away from the writing game. There are a few reasons for this, none that I will really get into too much at this time. Let's just stick with the simple explanation that things didn't go according to plan and I didn't feel super inspired much of the time...especially the last month.

During the past couple months I have been more and more connected to my phone. Those of you who know me know that even before these past couple months, my phone has been inseparably connected to me. THIS IS BAD.

My incessant need for human connection in the most inhuman form has become a major distraction. The things that I love (although my phone is an outlet for some) have fallen by the wayside and instead I am constantly watching my Snapchat and Messages  waiting for something to come through. I am constantly connected to Facebook and Instagram feeding off of what other people do instead of doing things for myself.

Some of my previously favorite apps have been unopened for weeks at a time. Vogue Runway where I get all of my fashion. ESPN for sports news and scores. Even Twitter (where I find everything from International Relations articles to funny pieces of inspiration) has become a rare occurrence for my thumbs.

As July started, Captain Obvious knocked me upside the head and informed me that we are officially half way through 2018. You all know how I get about resolutions. But can you believe that I kinda forgot what my resolutions were?

I have spent so much time trying to find every reason to connect with every person whether they were a value-added person or not that I lost the connection with myself and what truly matters to me. Motivation had flown the nest in the middle of the night and I (the negligent parent that I am) didn't even notice its departure.

Time for me to REACT.

I am not a reactionary person. When something happens in my life that frustrates me to causes an unexpected change, I shut down....and usually sleep more than normal. And this is what I did. Now I have to fight against that natural instinct and bust the cinder blocks from my feet so that I can fly again....starting with this blog post.

I am writing again!!

That is an amazing start. My writing is something that keeps me moving forward. At times, it is the only thing that keeps me moving forward. Taking a two month break from this has set me back in my goals to where I was at the beginning of the year. Time to take back my year and prove that I am not a quitter when it comes to broken goals.

Assuming all goes according to plan, then as the faithful reader that you are, I would expect a few more blog posts that you are used to seeing as well as the occasional dabble in fiction. ( I blame a friend of mine for planting the idea of writing fiction into my brain and I think I may try it.) Hopefully more will be better and not burdensome for you, but either way, it will be better for me...and it is time that I start doing things for me and not waiting on others.


Shanda said…
Brady, I truly appreciate you sharing your then and now. I tell myself daily to shake IT off. Get focused and stay motivated. It use to be so easy where now it's a daily struggle. I wish you the best and of course wishing me, myself and I the best.
Song quote 'I know I was born I know that I'll die the in between is mine! I am mine..'

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