
It is now approaching the middle of the semester and school is totally in full swing. I have decided that I am going to be a climber. That is, so that I can climb out of the piles and piles of homework and study guides that are burying me. The good thing is that after the first round of testing I still have straight A's. It's a miracle seeing that before grading curves, I didn't get an A on any of the tests. After the curves, only one of the tests was an A but all of my grades are still 90% or higher. I am super excited about that. This past week, the cards have been dealt in my favor with some great things happening. Kinda a good change considering I still don't have a job and I am almost always busy doing something whether it is clubs, homework, or friends. I love college life though. It is a ride that I never want to get off. Hidden under the piles and piles of homework is a very happy man thinking, maybe I don't want to be a climber after all and just stay in this haven of learning and growing.


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