#6 Move On

Topic #6: Your Going To/Never Going To Move Away Because...

In my dreams, I live in a quaint loft in New York City. That is, before I move into my penthouse on the upper-east side of Manhattan. Not to mention a beach hose in LA.

In my reality, I have lived in Wyoming and Arizona and even a few months in Europe and I still find myself back in my hometown.

So what do I actually want?

I'm not entirely sure. I love being in my hometown. It's familiar. I have my parents here. My sisters are a short drive away. We can all get together every so often...ya know, like families do.

When I moved to Wyoming to follow a job, however, there was a sense of finally becoming an adult. I was on my own. Completely responsible for myself, and I did so successfully until my company laid me off and hung me out to dry. The one major drawback of that time was not being around family for holidays. I blame the weather and the company I worked for. The actual being away part wasn't too bad.

In essence, the question of whether I move away eventually or not will depend on my future job and my future family. I begin my post-grad program this fall and with the field I am going in to, there are very few career options in the hometown. I am expecting to move away at some point. How far? I don't know. Will it be permanent? I could say yes but that isn't always up to me.

I love my home, but there is a big world out there. I definitely see myself as a suburban guy (although my dreams place me in the big city) but one thing is for sure. Small towns bore me.

As a side note, I was once approached with an opportunity to live within an hour of a big city. It was arguably a suburban area with the access to the city that I was looking for. I turned it down. If the only factor was the living situation and the life, I would regret that decision to no end. It would have been great. Other factors led me to decline the offer and I don't totally regret my eventual decision because of those factors.

Okay, so I am being long-winded and boring. What's the point?

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere!" - Belle

I do want to get out and experience big cities and different cultures, even within the US. I want a corner office in a skyscraper. I want the subway to be my transportation, not my lunch. So yes, I want to get away. I want to move somewhere with more opportunity.

I just want to make sure that trips to see family can be a part of that equation.


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