
CandideCandide by Voltaire
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

To start off I must say that I read this book for a class that I am in. This may skew my rating because of my dislike of being forced to read. To me reading is a pleasure that ought not to have time constraints. That said I thought that this book was rather good. The highly graphic nature did contribute to the satiricism that Voltaire employed. To some it may seem too graphic but to my semi-desensitized mind I found the entirety of the plot, including the heinous descriptions of death and other afflictions intriguing as the moral of the story developed. From my interpretation, and possibly only because I am in school and a pivotal time in my life to receive this message, I felt that it was a call to good works and a well developed work ethic. At one point it depicted a happy family that worked together and had few worries. Why were the few worries? Because they knew how to work and made happiness for themselves. I am not sure whether I believe that happiness is created by an individual but I do believe that lessons can be learned and that a positive attitude can make a difference. I very much enjoyed this book and would recommend it for all who are not too worried about a novel being graphic. I would also recommend this book for those who are interested in philosophy, although I am not.

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