Plan of Salvation

So, my week has been pretty crazy. We are doing a lot of tracting and it is not easy or fun in 100 degree weather. It's all good though. We got a bunch of potential investigators this week. This Saturday are our two baptisms. I am excited for that. With them getting baptized, Elder Lewis and I have a lot of work to do getting new investigators. It is hard work.

In my studies this past three months I have been focusing on the Plan of Salvation. It is such a blessing just to have a knowledge and understanding of it all. Knowing that I am on this earth for the purpose of becoming like my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and how I can return to live with God again along with my family. I know that through true faith in Jesus Christ we will be motivated to do what is right at all times thus gaining companionship of the Holy Ghost. I have a testimony of action. As plans are moved into action and work is put forth with that true faith, miracles happen and blessings come. Jesus lives and loves each and every one of us. "We are [sons and] daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us" and I love Him. I am grateful for the testimony I have and the opportunity I have to share it with everyone. With a true and living testimony of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel, you cannot go wrong. "regarding our testimony, remember, that which one willingly shares he keeps, while that which he selfishly keeps he loses . . . " (Elder Thomas S Monson ~ Preach My Gospel pg 198). Love it, Live it, Share it!

Elder Brady Parkin


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