Movie Monday: Sully
I know it isn't Monday but yesterday ended up being busier than I expected so thus, Movie Monday makes its premier on a Tuesday. Saturday evening I was eating dinner with my roommates as they began raving about "Sully". You know, that new movie about the pilot who landed an airplane in the Hudson River. The one with the trailer that doesn't have very much to it....except a plane landing in the Hudson. Let's just say I was skeptical about the movie to the point that my roommates were shocked at my dismissive attitude and dragged me, nearly kicking and screaming, to the movie theater that night just to see the movie. At the completion of the movie, I was asked by these same roommates what I thought. By response was that I had nearly a hundred thoughts going through my head both good and bad but that the movie as a whole was not bad. It was much better than I expected it to be. So what were my notes? To start with what I felt was poor about the movie, I didn...