
Showing posts from 2012

Trust and Respect

I know that it has been a long, long,.....long time since I have updated this but I have had a couple of thoughts recently that I feel a desire to put into words.  This seems like a decent place to do just that. When a reward is fixed, there is an intended action that is assumed that will lead to the reward.  In more basic terms, consequences are earned. Whether they are good or not-so-good the process is the same: If you work, you earn.  Trust is no different. It has to be earned.  To become trustworthy, actions must be in line with what is desirable. Does action always ensure trust? No. Individuals are entitled to their own opinions.  Thus the attribute of respectfulness connects to trust in the field of justice or righteous judgement.  Respect comes when good intentions are rewarded and encouraged and better results are expected and explained. When there is a knowledge of good intentions and positive results have been attained in the past, common se...

Information, Interpretation, Inspiration

I was reading my scriptures this morning and came across an insight that I felt like sharing. In 3 Nephi 17: 2-3 Christ recognizes that the people were growing weary because they were learning so much and they were having a hard time taking it all in.  His direction was simple:  Think about what I have already told you and pray for understanding.  My personal thoughts went to the direction on scripture study to study, ponder, then pray.  Then my thought process went as follows: Study - Information Ponder - Interpretation (personal) Pray - Inspiration First, we have to open our minds and receive the information that we need to.  Without the incoming of information then no real learning can take place.  Next, we must think about the information that was read or heard.  Information is given generally and we have to find how it applies to us specifically and individually.  We can also determine what, if anything, we need to do to change. ...

Creation of Individuality

I've been meaning to update this for a couple of weeks now but I just cannot find the right words to write.  I would call it writer's block but I don't really call myself a writer. What are the things that matter most in life?  I think that this is the question of the century for many people, myself included.  Life is so much about prioritizing but what are the priorities?  What is my ideal self?  Where do I want to see myself in the future?  How will I get to that point? I find that these questions are what end up defining a person's life and their purpose.  On the journey to discover and create oneself, direction is necessary. Motivation. Theme of my life. Consistency. Necessity in my life. Habits. Biography of my life. I write my own story.  It is my life, my story, my words.  I am me.  I don't want to be anyone else.  I want to be better every day.  I set my own rules.  I make my own choices.  I am an...

New Year, New Adventures, Still the Same Me

As the last semester came to a close so did 2011.  For some reason I really did not want to think too much about New Year's Resolutions this time around.  I guess I just really want to live my life out loud and be the biggest me that I can be. Comparing myself now to what I was a year ago I have seen that there are no real changes to who I am but just changes to what I do and my focus.  I now have a direction in my life.  I know what I'm doing and where I am going with my life. International Studies is the greatest move I could have ever made.  I love it so much and in one semester it has taught me and excited me so much. I am so much stronger spiritually now than ever before.  My sense of identity as a child of God is now empowering me with a new force and motivation for life. Socially it is so interesting how much can happen in a year.  Many new friends have popped up in unexpected places and have impacted me greatly.  No surprise on this on...