Who Is It For?
In an attempt to keep this post from becoming too petty or feisty, I am taking a bit of a step back and look objectively at something that has become a frustration for me. I really love writing and for a while I have been posting here on my blog so that I can share my thoughts with "the world". The frustration is that many of my recent posts have fell short in the readership category. Many people have come to me and expressed their appreciation for some of these posts so the dramatic drop in statistics was quite confusing. In thinking about this, I ended up taking some of my writing off line and began focusing on one question. Who is it for? When I write, there is a supreme satisfaction that I have within myself for the words I compose and the posts I build. There is an excitement to see my thoughts appear on my less-than-professional page that, flaws and all, is a place of pride for me. But also, I hold some investment in the responses of the masses. I share the link t...