
Showing posts from August, 2012

Trust and Respect

I know that it has been a long, long,.....long time since I have updated this but I have had a couple of thoughts recently that I feel a desire to put into words.  This seems like a decent place to do just that. When a reward is fixed, there is an intended action that is assumed that will lead to the reward.  In more basic terms, consequences are earned. Whether they are good or not-so-good the process is the same: If you work, you earn.  Trust is no different. It has to be earned.  To become trustworthy, actions must be in line with what is desirable. Does action always ensure trust? No. Individuals are entitled to their own opinions.  Thus the attribute of respectfulness connects to trust in the field of justice or righteous judgement.  Respect comes when good intentions are rewarded and encouraged and better results are expected and explained. When there is a knowledge of good intentions and positive results have been attained in the past, common se...